In the bustling aisles of personal care products, a discerning eye will notice a rising trend: the shift towards natural ingredients. This movement isn't just a fleeting fashion but a conscious choice made by informed consumers who understand the myriad benefits of natural products. Leading this charge are brands like Raw Nature and Dr Hisham's, which have carved a niche for themselves with their commitment to purity, efficacy, and sustainability. 

1. Raw Nature: A Symphony of Nature and Science

Raw Nature, with its roots in pristine New Zealand, is a testament to the power of nature's bounty. Their range of products, available at Functional Self, is a harmonious blend of nature and science, ensuring that you get the best of both worlds.

Raw Nature's Natural Deodorant Range: A collection of deodorants crafted to ensure you remain fresh throughout the day.


• Ensures long-lasting freshness: Unlike many commercial deodorants that mask odour, natural deodorants neutralise odour-causing bacteria, providing genuine freshness.

• Environmentally-friendly packaging: Biodegradable packaging reduces waste and environmental impact, ensuring that you're not just caring for yourself but also for the planet.

• Vegan and cruelty-free: A commitment to not using animal-derived ingredients or testing on animals ensures ethical consumption and supports animal welfare.

Raw Nature’s Dry Shampoo Range: A saviour for those in-between hair wash days, this range is perfect for  all hair types.


• Absorbs excess oil: Natural ingredients effectively absorb excess oil, giving hair a clean and refreshed look without the need for water.

• No damage to hair: Free from harsh chemicals, this dry shampoo ensures that hair remains healthy and undamaged.

• Eco-friendly packaging: Using sustainable packaging materials reduces the carbon footprint and supports environmental conservation efforts.

Raw Nature’s Foot Balm: After a long day, pamper your feet with this nourishing foot balm.


• Intense moisturisation: Natural ingredients provide deep hydration, ensuring soft and supple feet.

• Soothing experience: The blend of natural ingredients offers a calming and therapeutic experience, relieving tired and achy feet.

• Ethical foot care: Vegan and cruelty-free formulations ensure that you're making an ethical choice for foot care, supporting animal welfare.

2. Dr Hisham's: A Holistic Approach to Oral Care

Dr Hisham's holistic oral care range, originating from the pristine environments of New Zealand, stands as a beacon of holistic balance and purity.

Dr Hisham's Alkaline Mouth Rinse: A revolutionary product that promotes a healthy alkaline oral environment.


• Actively breaks down plaque: The natural ingredients work to break down and remove plaque, ensuring cleaner teeth and gums.

• Neutralises  bacteria: The mouth rinse targets and neutralises bacteria that cause bad breath, providing long-lasting freshness.

• Shields teeth from decay: Regular use can help prevent tooth decay and cavities.

Dr Hisham's Baby Teeth Serum: A gentle yet effective serum designed specifically for babies’ delicate oral microbiome.


• Promotes healthy baby teeth: The serum nurtures and protects emerging teeth, ensuring they remain strong and healthy.

• Safe and natural: Made with natural ingredients, it's safe for babies, ensuring peace of mind for parents.

• Balances oral microbiome: The serum promotes a balanced oral environment, crucial for overall oral health.

Dr Hisham's Dental Pack: A comprehensive oral care set that includes a range of Dr Hisham's best products.


• Complete oral care: The pack provides a holistic approach to oral health, ensuring all aspects of oral hygiene are covered.

• Value for money: Bundled together, the dental pack offers better value compared to purchasing products individually.

• Eco-friendly: Reflecting Dr Hisham's commitment to sustainability, the pack is made with eco-friendly ingredients and packaging.

Dr Hisham's Tooth Whitening Powder: A natural solution to achieve a brighter smile without the use of harsh chemicals.


• Effective whitening: The powder effectively removes stains, resulting in noticeably whiter teeth.

• Safe for enamel: Unlike many commercial whitening products, this powder is gentle on enamel, ensuring no damage.

• Natural ingredients: Made with natural ingredients, it ensures a safe and effective whitening process.

The Science Behind Natural Ingredients

The shift towards natural products is not just a trend but is backed by scientific research:

• Reduced Chemical Exposure: Synthetic products often contain harmful chemicals that can be absorbed by the skin. Natural products, on the other hand, reduce exposure to these potential toxins, ensuring a safer skincare routine. [1]

• Environmental Impact: Natural products, especially those with eco-friendly packaging, have a reduced carbon footprint. This means that their production, use, and disposal have a minimal negative impact on the environment, promoting a sustainable future. [2]

• Efficacy: Natural ingredients, being rich in antioxidants, essential oils, and other beneficial compounds, can be as effective, if not more so, than their synthetic counterparts. They work in harmony with the skin, providing nourishment and care without the risk of adverse reactions. [3]

The journey towards holistic well-being begins with conscious choices. Brands like Raw Nature and Dr Hisham's are not just offering products; they are offering a lifestyle centred on well-being, sustainability, and a return to nature. As consumers, embracing these natural alternatives is a step towards a healthier self and a greener planet.

1 The potential health risks of synthetic chemicals in personal care products. 
2 Environmental impact of personal care products.  
3 Efficacy of natural ingredients in skincare.